Life can be tough, so be careful what you feed your heart and soul. Studying philosophy can be a great source of inspiration. So what could be better than philosophical quotes from some of the world’s most famous philosophers? Life can be tough, so be careful what you feed your heart and soul. Studying philosophy can be a great source of inspiration. So what could be better than philosophical quotes from some of the world’s most famous philosophers? Have you ever admired the ideas of famous philosophers? Then we have a special gift for you. Below you will find the most important philosophical quotes of the most famous philosophers.
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1. “The undiscovered life is not worth living” – Socrates
2. “What we cannot say, we must be silent” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
3. “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily” – Guillaume d’Ockham
4. “Human life (in a state of nature) is lonely, poor, cruel, brutal, and short” – Thomas Hobbes
5. “I think so I am” (“Cogito, ergo sum”) – René Descartes

6. “Those who think big often make big mistakes” – Martin Heidegger
7. “We are living in the best that is possible” – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
8. “What is reasonable is real and what is real is reasonable” – G. W. F. Hegel
9. “God is dead!” He’s still dead! And we killed him. “- Friedrich Nietzsche
10. “There is only one really serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide” – Albert Camus
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11. “You cannot walk in the same river twice” – Heraclitus
12. “The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morality and law” – Jeremy Bentham
13. “To be is to be perceived” (“Esse est percipi”) – Bishop George Berkeley
14. “Happiness is not the ideal of reason but of the imagination” – Immanuel Kant
15. “No man’s knowledge here can extend beyond his experience” – John Locke

16. “God does not want to do everything, and thus take away our free will and our share of glory” – Niccolo Machiavelli
17. “Freedom is doing what you want” – John Stuart Mill
18. “It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no reason to believe it is true” – Bertrand Russell
19. “Even by teaching, men learn” – Seneca the Younger
20. “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance” – Socrates
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21. “If God didn’t exist, he would have to be invented” – Voltaire
22. “It is absurd; But whoever wants to be a philosopher must learn not to be afraid of the absurd.” – Bertrand Russell
23. “One cannot conceive of anything so strange and inconceivable that it has not been spoken of by one philosopher or another” – René Descartes
24. “Entertainment is the mother of philosophy” – Thomas Hobbes
25. “Philosophy is a battle against the ignorance of our intelligence with language” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

26. “There’s only one thing you can count on a philosopher to do, and that’s do the opposite of other philosophers” – William James
27. “We are what we do again and again. Therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit” – Aristotle
28. “Only one man ever understood me, and he didn’t understand me” – G.W.F. Hegel
29. “The mind is supplied with ideas only by experience” – John Locke
30. “Life should be understood as upside down. But it has to be experienced first” – Søren Kierkegaard
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31. “Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don’t know” – Bertrand Russell
32. “Metaphysics is a dark ocean without shore or lighthouse, littered with wrecks of philosophy” – Immanuel Kant
33. “Philosophy is both the highest and the most trivial of human activities” – William James
34. “History is the teaching of philosophy by example” – Thucydides
35. “He who cannot live in society, or who has no need for self-sufficiency, must be an animal or a god” – Aristotle

36. “You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” – Plato
37. “Everything changes naturally, if not intentionally changed for the better” – Francis Bacon
38. “All it takes to conquer evil is good people doing nothing” – Edmund Burke attribution
39. “Is man merely God’s fault?” Or is God just man’s mistake? -Friedrich Nietzsche
40. “I will never die for my beliefs because I could be wrong” – Bertrand Russell
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41. “Religion is the sign of the oppressed … it is the opium of the people” – C. Marx
42. “Happiness is the best thing” – Aristotle
43. “If men were born free, they would not form, as long as they remained free, any conception of good and evil” – Baruch Spinoza
44. “The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory to be overcome” – Epicurus
45. “Whatever is reasonable is right, and whatever is right is reasonable” – G. W. F. Hegel

46. “Ethics is not the doctrine of how we can make ourselves happy, but how we can make ourselves worthy of happiness” – Immanuel Kant
47. “The condemned man is set free” – Jean-Paul Sartre
48. “It is one thing to show a man that he is at fault, and another to make him possess the truth.” – John Locke
49. “I don’t know why we’re here, but I’m pretty sure it’s not for fun” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
50. “The wisest man is one who, like Socrates, realizes that his intellect is worthless” – Plato
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Good read! P.S. Don’t miss this collection of insightful quotes from Socrates. Philosophy gradually arose from the desire for knowledge, which in Greek means “love of wisdom.” Over time, various philosophical methods such as questioning, problem solving, rational reasoning, and critical discussion became more and more mature.