Many people think that they should get married according to the choice of family members, but some people find their life partner so they do not have trouble in making marriage decisions.
Many people have not yet found their partner and are looking for their life partner, for them there is a big confusion about what will be right between love marriage and arranged marriage.
To overcome this confusion, today I am going to tell you the difference between love marriage and arranged marriage, by reading which you will be able to solve every problem you face.
On the previous page, we have told ways to forget true love, if your marriage is going to be done according to the choice of the family members, then you can forget your true love by reading this post.
What is love marriage?
In love marriage, the boy marries the same girl he loves and the girl marries the same boy she loves, that is, both marry the boy and girl of their choice whom they already love.

In love marriage, boys and girls love each other, understand each other, care for each other, respect each other and boys and girls know each other well. Both know each other’s likes and dislikes.
Even if there is a fight between the two, both resolve the quarrel on their own because they are well aware of how their partner’s anger will calm down.
Benefits of Love Marriage
- There is a lot of love between partners in a love marriage. If your partner gets angry with you, then those who have a love marriage know how to calm your partner’s anger.
- The biggest advantage of having a love marriage is that you get your favorite life partner, which is the most important for everyone to get married to the person of their choice whom they like, love and spend their life happily with the spouse of their choice.
- In love marriage, boys and girls understand each other better because they are always together, so they know about each other’s likes and dislikes.
- There is more romance between couples who have a love marriage because their chemistry is already made, so when the husband and wife are romantic after marriage, they feel good because both like each other, love each other, then the romance between the two is also tremendous.
- There is less fight between the couple who have a love marriage because both know each other well, even if one of them gets angry, they know in advance how my partner will agree and they immediately convince their partner.
Loss of love marriage
- There are many families who are against love marriage, so the biggest disadvantage of love marriage is that the family does not support them in this.
- The family members are against love marriage, so they do not even allow them to stay in their house, so they have to make arrangements for their stay somewhere outside.
- Society does not approve of those who do love marriages because love marriages are also done by people of different casts. Because there is love that does not see caste and religion, it just happens.
- If boys /girls of different castes get married, then the society closes them from caste, due to which the people who do love marriage are separated from their friends, relatives and family and spend their lives alone.
- Boys and girls get married, but when they stay at home and their financial condition deteriorates and they start having financial problems, then couples blame each other and there is a fight between the two.
- After a love marriage, the love between most couples ends because both know each other beforehand, due to which they remove the blame due to each other’s habits and start fighting.
- Couples who have a love marriage get bored with each other with daily fights and start looking for someone else except their partner.
What is Arranged Marriage?
In an arranged marriage, the family first goes to see the boy or the girl, the family likes the boy and the girl, they ask some questions such as: How far the son has studied/ studied, what work / do you do, do household work, cook food, any questions are asked to the boy and girl.

If the family likes the boy and the girl, then the boy and the girl are mixed together and they both talk to each other. They like each other.
If the boy likes the girl and the girl likes the boy, then both of them tell in the house that I like the boy or I like the girl, after that the family talks to each other’s family and strengthens the relationship.
In arranged marriages, boys and girls do not know each other beforehand. We call arranged marriage if we get married according to the wishes of our family and according to the society.
Benefits of Arranged Marriage
- There is a lot of love between partners in a love marriage. If your partner gets angry with you, then those who have a love marriage know how to calm your partner’s anger.
- When you have an arranged marriage, your marriage takes place in the choice of the family and in your own cast, which makes the family happy as well as gets respect in the society.
- In arranged marriages, you get married in the same cast so that you do not have problems in understanding festivals and rituals.
- Even if the customs of your house are different from each other’s house, the family supports the arranged marriages and teaches the customs of their house to the daughter-in-law.
- In an arranged marriage, you do not know your spouse beforehand, so you are interested in getting to know each other and spend more time with each other and start liking each other.
- In an arranged marriage, you first like each other slowly, then love begins and the relationship becomes stronger.
- Those who have arranged marriages spend a year or two getting to know each other, so this time comes out with laughter and teaches a new experience of life.
- Even after arranged marriage, there are difficulties in married life, due to which there are fights between husband and wife, in such a situation, the family supports them and convinces them and reunites.
- Arranged marriages are done by the wishes of the family members, so the family members are happy and keep the daughter-in-law with love, no one taunts nor there is much fight because in arranged marriage, the family has the will.
- It is not necessary to be fine among those who have arranged marriages because it takes a little time to adjust after marriage, but gradually everything becomes normal and married couples are very happy in their life.
Loss of arranged marriage
- Those who have arranged marriages have to marry according to the choice of family members, due to which they do not get a life partner of their choice and they have to get away from their love and marry someone else.
- The girl has more problems when she has an arranged marriage because the girl neither knows the boy beforehand nor his family members and he has to live in a house where he does not know anyone.
- The biggest disadvantage of arranged marriage is that there is no love between the two because most boys and girls do not like each other just for the happiness of the family members, due to which a few months of marriage, there is a fight between the two, due to which neither the boy is happy nor the girl is happy.
- In today’s time, there are many boys and girls who already love someone else and they only have to get married at the will of the family members, due to which they have to lose their true love and for a long time of marriage, they are not able to forget their true love and remain a little sad. They cheat on the husband or wife.
Must Read:-
- How to Impress Someone? Ways to Attract People to You
- What to Do with an Unfaithful Girl or Boy, Love and Cheated People
- How to Calm the Mind, 12 Ways to Calm Yourself
- How to Impress a Girl, easy Ways for You
Difference Between Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage
Love Marriage | Arrange Marriage |
In love marriage, the boy and girl like and love each other. | In arranged marriages, boys and girls do not know each other beforehand. |
Love marriages are about the choice of a boy and a girl. | Arranged marriages take place at the will of the family. |
In a love marriage, family members may or may not believe it. | In arranged marriages, family members marry their children with pomp by seeing the boy and girl themselves. |
Love marriage was not considered good in our society. | Arranged marriages are considered good in society. |
In love marriage, the family lives against the boy and girl and misunderstands them because they have married on their own free will. | In the arranged marriage, the family members themselves join and bless the bride and groom and celebrate the wedding with pomp. |
In a love marriage, if the family does not agree, then the boy and girl run away and get married. | There is no such thing in arranged marriages because the family members marry on their own free will. |
The best thing about a love marriage is that you already know your partner’s qualities. | In arranged marriage, it is very interesting to know and understand the partner after marriage. |
On this page, you read the difference between love marriage and arranged marriage. Hopefully, you have understood that love marriages are more correct or arranged marriages are more correct.
According to me, both love marriage and arranged marriage are right, but what you will do best in both depends on you.